what i have been learning in PBL

This week in PBL we are learning about deforestation and climate change.

What did you know about deforestation and climate change before using Minecraft?climate change is the earth warming up or getting colder and deforestation is bad because the trees absorb CO2
Have you discovered anything new about deforestation and climate change? I have learnt that people get rid of trees to expand things.

How do you think deforestation affects you? I think it can affect me because we need trees to breathe and trees to give us oxygen.

What can humans do to help the problem? We can stop cutting down trees because trees absorb CO2.

autumn learning journey:activity 20

today I am doing activity 20 which is to build a warm home for a animal because when the winter comes around it gets cold for animals

here is what I made

things I used:

1.two small tables if you don’t have any small tables you can use chairs

2.a blanket if you don’t have a blanket to use you can use a sheet those are all the things that I used



do you have a pet?

What i have been learning

In reading I have been learning about animals.


I had to create an animal facts slide using google slides and choose an animal to learn about. I chose Anteater because I don’t know much about Anteaters to show what I have learnt about Anteaters.


Something that I learned was that there are 4 living species of Anteaters: southern tamandua, northern tamandua, the giant anteater and the silky anteater.


Something I found interesting was that a southern tamandua is also called a colored anteater.


Something that I found challenging was finding facts about anteaters.


What do you know about anteaters?